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Depression - Signs/Symptoms

How to recognise the signs of depression
Depression - Causes

Depression....what are the causes?
Depression - Treatments

Articles on the treatments for depression

abnormal grieving
- Abnormal grieving occurs when the normally painful emotional reaction is prolonged, delayed, or otherwise unresolved. It is considered abnormal for a person not to grieve at all after a major loss. Grief is also considered abnormal when it is accompanied by thoughts of suicide or psychotic symptoms like a loss of contact with reality.
basal ganglia disorders
- The basal ganglia are a group of structures within the brain that help with movement. Any condition that affects the function of these structures is a basal ganglia disorder.
chronic pain
- Chronic pain can be described as pain that lasts long enough, or is intense enough, to affect a person's normal activities and well-being. It may continue over a long period of time or come and go. Any area of the body can be affected.
cognitive testing
- Cognitive testing can detect changes in the way the brain functions. It can also determine whether the changes have occurred as a result of brain injury, illness or disease. Cognitive testing looks at a person's thinking skills. It also explores whether emotional or physical problems are interfering with those thinking skills. Specific areas examined during cognitive testing include: attention concentration memory abstract thinking problem solving judgment language skills ability to interpret information from senses (such as hearing, vision, touch) ability to control fine motor skills in the hands intelligence academic skills emotional functioningWho is a candidate for the test?
- Depression can be a temporary state or a long-term emotional disorder marked by feelings of intense sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities most of the day, nearly every day, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, and self-reproach. These feelings can occur at any point in life. These symptoms are not clinically described as depression, though, unless the symptoms last most of the day, nearly daily, for at least two weeks or longer. Depressive disorders take many different forms. While the symptoms are often similar, the causes and treatment may be different.
cocaine-related disorders
- Malaise is a general feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness.
depression after heart attack
- Depression is a continuing feeling of sadness, despair or hopelessness. It affects a person's ability to function. Roughly 1 out of 4 people suffers from depression after a heart attack.
depression in the elderly
- Depression is a continuing feeling of sadness, despair, or hopelessness. The feelings remain and affect daily living. Depression affects 3 to 5% of people over age 65. When the person has a medical illness, such as coronary artery disease, emphysema, stroke, or cancer, the rate increases to 40%.
cognitive behavioral therapy
Parkinson's disease
- Parkinson's disease is a condition that damages the nervous system. Its main symptoms are muscle stiffness, shaking, and slowness of movement.
depression in children
manic depression
grief, normal
narcissistic personality disorder
post-traumatic stress disorder
seasonal affective disorder
postpartum depression
stress and Aged
- Stress is the wear and tear on the body caused by constant adjustment to an individual's changing environment. Anything that causes change in our life causes stress. There are many changes going on in the lives of the elderly.
stress and men
- Stress is the "wear and tear" the body goes through as it adjusts to the constantly changing environment. Anything that causes change in a person's life causes stress. Stress can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Acute stress is the reaction to an immediate threat. This is commonly known as the "fight or flight" response. The threat can be any situation that is seen as a danger. Common short-term stressors include: noise crowding being isolated from others illness hunger danger infection Imagining a threat or remembering a dangerous event can also evoke a stress response. Modern life frequently results in ongoing stressful situations. These may include: difficult work or personal situations loneliness financial worries the recent death of a family member or loved one a move to a new home or change in job physical illness, especially long-term conditions difficulty sleeping or inability to obtain enough sleepWhat is the information for this topic?
The Secret Life Of A Bulimic (Part I)
The Secret Life Of A Bulimic (Part I) - Bulimics are often caught in a web of bingeing and purging. Merlene Michael of HealthAnswers finds out what is making women so wasted these days. - As a teen, Linda loved to hang out at the shops....
The Secret Life Of A Bulimic (Part II)
The Secret Life Of A Bulimic (Part II) - What makes a person vulnerable to bingeing and purging? In the second part of a series on bulimia, Merlene Michael of HealthAnswers discusses what you can do to overcome bulimia. - What Makes A...
Useful Links
Lifting the Fog on Depression - SANE Australia - Including Helpline Online
- Psychosis is a general term which refers to any significant mental disorder that has a physical or emotional source. It is a severe disturbance in which a person is unable to distinguish reality from fantasy.
- Suicide is the act of taking one's own life on purpose. Suicidal behaviour can range from thoughts of killing oneself to actually going through with the act.
- Psychotherapy is a treatment that tries to eliminate or control mental symptoms through talking. It is a relationship between a therapist and a client. Different types of therapy are used. Each is based on different principles, structure, and methods. The therapist may be a psychiatrist, GP, psychologist, social worker, nurse, or other counsellor.
stress and women
- Stress is the "wear and tear" the body goes through as it adjusts to the constantly changing environment. Anything that causes change in a person's life causes stress.
irritability in adults
- Irritability is a state of being overly sensitive to stimulation. Adults who are irritable may easily become impatient or angry.
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