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What Is Prostate Cancer - Causes

Prostate cancer and its causes
What Is Prostate Cancer - Signs/Symptoms

How to recognise the symptoms of prostate cancer.

blood in the urine
- Blood in the urine can be visible, or it may only be noticed when the urine is tested.
- Creatinine is a waste product made by the body during regular metabolism. It is excreted into the urine by the kidneys. A serum creatinine test measures the level of creatinine in the blood.
acid phosphatase test
- The acid phosphatase test measures the level of acid phosphatase in the blood. Acid phosphatase is an enzyme found in the prostate gland, semen, liver, spleen, blood cells, and bone marrow. If these organs and tissues are not functioning right, they may release acid phosphatase into the bloodstream.
creatinine clearance
- This is a test of kidney function. It determines the amount of fluid filtered each minute by the kidneys.
- This test measures the amount of creatinine in the urine. Creatinine is produced in the muscles and filtered by the kidneys. The amount of creatinine in the urine, then, is an indication of kidney function. It is most often used to check kidney function.
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fruits and vegetables - What food source is the nutrient found in? - Fruits and vegetables are good sources of many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other plant chemicals. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables has many advantages. -...
prostate cancer
PSA density
tumour markers
- Tumour markers are chemical substances that are produced by some cancers. Most of these substances can be found in the bloodstream in small amounts even when cancer is not present. When cancers produce these substances, they are usually produced in very large amounts. The amount of the substances may increase far above a normal level as the disease worsens.
urge incontinence
- Urge incontinence is an urgent desire to urinate followed by uncontrolled loss of urine.
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