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Know your enemy - understanding severe allergiesKnow your enemy - understanding severe allergies

Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe, potentially fatal, allergic reaction that can involve various areas of the body. Anaphylaxis can progress rapidly and result in shock and even death if medical help is not obtained quickly.

Allergic reactions are common, and are caused by sensitivity to a specific substance.

Most reactions happen soon after contact with an allergen. An allergen is a trigger that causes the reaction after touching a certain part of the body. Usually these reactions are mild and can be treated at home with simple methods.

The first exposure to an allergen produces only a very mild reaction or no reaction at all. For some people, repeated exposures may lead to more serious reactions. Even a small amount of a trigger can lead to a serious reaction in some people.

Common causes of anaphylaxis include:

  • Food 
  • Medication
  • Insect stings 
  • Latex

People with severe allergies may be given a drug for injection if they are exposed and suffer a reaction. Anyone with a known serious allergic reaction should wear a medical tag at all times. This tag identifies the allergy and can assist those around you to help.

Remember: Those with a drug allergy should tell their doctor or healthcare provider. Doctors are an excellent resource and by asking them questions you can learn more about your anaphylaxis.

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