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asprin-ibuprofen 01Anti inflammatory found to reduce protective aspirin effect

A small daily dose of aspirin is often prescribed for long-term protection against heart attacks and stroke, but this protective effect is reduced if the aspirin is taken with the anti inflammatory ibuprofen.

A new study has revealed that ibuprofen can interfere with the anti-clotting effect of low dose aspirin (81 mg per day).

The paper suggests that a single dose of 400mg ibuprofen if taken within 30 minutes of taking aspirin will interfere with aspirin’s anti-clotting activity. Aspirin taken within 8 hours of an ibuprofen dose will also have a reduced effect.

Many people use a slower-release form of aspirin (enteric coated) which is considered less likely to irritate the stomach. More research is needed to understand how ibuprofen interacts with the slower-release aspirin.

Remember: You should discuss possible side effects of any medication you are taking with your GP. This includes the prescription of aspirin to protect against heart attacks and stroke.

Source: FDA Science Paper, September 2006

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