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kids-diet 01Children’s snacks should always be planned

“Can I have a snack?” must be one of the most frequently asked questions in households with children, so making sure their snacks are healthy is important.

It is difficult for children to get all the nutrients they need in three meals a day, and most children also get hungry between meals.

Well-chosen snacks can help supply nutrients and energy needs (calories) to promote healthy growth and development. In fact, snacks may provide up to one quarter of kids total daily caloric intake.

The problem arises when much of this snacking is on prepackaged foods, which are high in calories and low in nutrients. The popularity of these snacks may be one of the factors responsible for our present childhood obesity epidemic.

Every child can benefit from low calorie snacks that satisfy their hunger and are high in nutrients. Try to establish a regular snack time and schedule snacks 2 hours before a meal.

To find out more about healthy snacking, visit the Australian Heart Foundation website.

Remember: It is important to encourage the development of healthy eating and physical activity habits in children, and then reinforce these habits in adolescence.

Source: Mayo Clinic Sept, 2006

National Heart Foundation of Australia

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