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teendiab1Teens and type 2 diabetes

A growing number of Australian teens are now being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Previously known as non-insulin dependent diabetes or mature-age onset diabetes, type 2 diabetes develops over time when the body loses its ability to process insulin and regulate blood sugar.

It’s thought that most type 2 diabetes cases develop as a result of obesity, and whilst in the past it mostly affected mature adults, more and more teens are now developing type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes can occur without warning, however, people can have elevated blood sugar levels for years before being diagnosed as diabetics.

Diabetics are at much higher risk for developing heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and limb amputation, so leaving the disease untreated is a very real danger. 

The push is now on to recognise the undiagnosed cases and get them started on lifestyle changes and medication to avoid these complications.

The best defence against type 2 diabetes is healthy lifestyle choices such as good diet and regular exercise. Teach your children early about healthy eating and exercise, and set a good example yourself.

Remember: Your best defense against diabetes is healthy lifestyle choices. If you have any concerns, ask your family GP for more information and assistance.

Source: Diabetes Australia http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/fact_sheets/type02.html

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