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male contraceptionMale contraception nearly here

A new study suggests that the combination of the hormones testosterone and progesterone may provide a safe, effective and reversible male contraceptive.

This involves a hormone implant of testosterone being placed under the skin every four months and a top-up injection of progesterone given every three months.

A male contraceptive would relieve women of the physical and psychological costs of contraception, and would be a welcome option for those men concerned about the “irreversible” nature of a vasectomy.

This male contraceptive would also encourage men to visit their GP more regularly to assist their general health and wellbeing.

This new research, published in the Lancet, has shown that after using this kind of contraceptive for a year, a man will recover fertility in three to four months.

Interestingly, there was a quicker recovery with older men, and those of Asian origin. Men with higher initial sperm concentrations, and those who undertook the treatment over a shorter time period also recovered more quickly.

Remember: Discuss the issues of contraception with your partner and your health professional.

Source: The Lancet http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140673606686145/abstract

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