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Alzheimer's - Causes

Alzheimer's Disease...articles on possible causes
Alzheimer's - treatments

What treatments are available for Alzheimers
Alzheimer's - coping with an Alzheimers patient
Coping With An Alzheimers Patient

Information on looking after someone with Alzheimers

Remember Alzheimer's
Remember Alzheimer's - October 03, 2001 - Lauren Smith crashed her car three times last year; she was sixty-two years old and she thought her eyesight was failing. As a mother of three, a doctor's wife, an amateur actress and a keen...
Ten Tips to Reduce Wandering
Ten Tips to Reduce Wandering - There are many reasons for someone with Alzheimer's disease wandering. Here are tips to help caregivers reduce the risk of wandering and keep their loved one safe. 1. Be Prepared - There's no way to predict...
When Swallowing Doesn't Come Easy
When Swallowing Doesn't Come Easy - Jacqueline Phang - Speech Therapist - Swallowing is a complex process involving many nerves and muscles. A swallowing disorder, or dysphagia, may result if any of these are impaired. - With a swallowing...
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