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 HRT And Other Medications
New Study Links HRT to Ovarian Cancer
Risk of ovarian cancer increased by HRT therapy..
- Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is well known for its important role in maintaining strong teeth and bones. Most calcium, 99%, is found in the teeth and bones. The remaining 1% is found in the body's fluids and cells. Calcium requires vitamin D for absorption. It also works closely with magnesium, zinc, fluoride and phosphorous. Calcium is also important for proper heart function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. Complex processes control the amount of calcium in the blood. When there is too little of it in the blood, hormones pull it from the bones to meet the body's demands.
designer estrogens
- Designer oestrogen, also known as selective oestrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs, belong to a class of drugs that both simulate and block the actions of the hormone oestrogen, depending on the organ system. Designer oestrogens are used as an alternative to standard hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
hormone replacement therapy
vaginal dryness treatment
transient ischemic attack
hot flushes
- Hot flushes are the sensation of sudden flushing and sweating. This condition is felt by 75% of women going through the change of life, known as menopause. It may also affect women who have had their ovaries removed.
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