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Suicide - Prevention

Startegies to help prevent suicide

barbiturate intoxication
- Barbiturates are drugs in a class called sedative-hypnotics. Barbiturate intoxication occurs when excessive amounts, or an overdose, of barbiturates has been taken.
stomach pumping
stomach tube insertion
stress and Aged
- Stress is the wear and tear on the body caused by constant adjustment to an individual's changing environment. Anything that causes change in our life causes stress. There are many changes going on in the lives of the elderly.
stress and men
- Stress is the "wear and tear" the body goes through as it adjusts to the constantly changing environment. Anything that causes change in a person's life causes stress. Stress can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Acute stress is the reaction to an immediate threat. This is commonly known as the "fight or flight" response. The threat can be any situation that is seen as a danger. Common short-term stressors include: noise crowding being isolated from others illness hunger danger infection Imagining a threat or remembering a dangerous event can also evoke a stress response. Modern life frequently results in ongoing stressful situations. These may include: difficult work or personal situations loneliness financial worries the recent death of a family member or loved one a move to a new home or change in job physical illness, especially long-term conditions difficulty sleeping or inability to obtain enough sleepWhat is the information for this topic?
- Suicide is the act of taking one's own life on purpose. Suicidal behaviour can range from thoughts of killing oneself to actually going through with the act.
stress and women
- Stress is the "wear and tear" the body goes through as it adjusts to the constantly changing environment. Anything that causes change in a person's life causes stress.
stress in adolescents
- Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies go through as we adjust to our constantly changing environment. Anything that causes change in our lives causes stress.
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